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Would You Like a Tree in Front of Your Home?


Updated: Feb 4, 2021

LA County Conservation Corps hard at work

Post contributed by our neighbor, Christiane White:

Did you know:

  • Trees Combat Climate Change- Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the carbon while releasing oxygen back into the air

  • Trees Clean Air- Trees absorb odors and pollutant gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone)

  • Trees Cool The Streets & The City- Trees cool the city by up to 10°F

  • Trees Conserve Energy- Trees can cut summer air conditioning needs by up to 50%

  • Trees Help Prevent Water Pollution- Trees act like a sponge that filters water naturally and uses it to recharge groundwater supplies

  • Trees Save Water- Shade from trees slows water evaporation from thirsty lawns

  • Trees Increase Property Values- Trees can raise property values by as much as 15%

LA County will be planting new trees in our Unincorporated areas over the next 6 weeks (HINT: If you're uncertain if you live in unincorporated LA County, search your address here).

If you would like to request a tree in front of your home, you will need to act quickly and follow the instructions below! I will also be distributing door hangers tomorrow in Lower Ladera, so you might also get a visit from me.

If you don't receive a door hanger and live in Unincorporated LA County, fill out this form to request a tree. You will even get a choice of trees that are designated as suitable for your street. Please keep in mind fruit trees are not among those we can choose from.

If you have any issues or questions, our direct contact is Carlos Lopez at the LA County Conservation Corps. You may email him using this link or call 310-348 6448.

Minimum Clearance Requirements (See diagram):

  • 50 feet from the beginning of the curb radius on the approach to an intersection

  • 15 feet from the beginning of the curb radius on the exit side

  • 20 feet from light standards

  • 10 feet from fire hydrants and driveways

  • 5 feet from house walks and utility meters

  • 3 foot parkway width

  • Planting area free of utility or sprinkler lines

If you have any questions feel free to contact me or Carlos about the program.


Shared by Christiane Kirsch White


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