This morning, about 15 generous volunteers from all parts of Ladera Heights joined together to attack the growing litter problem in our community head-on. As more and more traffic enters Ladera Heights via La Cienega, Slauson, and Centinela, the debris has also increased.
The unique issue we face is that parts of our community are comprised of LA County, LA City, and Inglewood. LA County continues to do a fantastic job to keep our main corridors especially clean and maintained. However, the parts of Ladera that belong to Inglewood and LA City (near the pedestrian bridge on La Cienega) seem to be less of a priority for them.

This is why Dr. Stewart Gilbert, Brian Hale, and I have teamed up to organize a monthly community event called Ladera Clean-Up Day. The idea is that if our elected officials can't or won't keep our streets clean, then we'll do it ourselves.
I would like to thank our anonymous local donor who sent us $100-worth of breakfast burritos to feed our volunteers. Our LHCA Board President, David Oliver, also joined in today and donated cold drinks for everyone. Additionally, local bakery, chocolateandthechip.com supplied all volunteers with fresh cookies to take home. Thank you, thank you!
We choose to live here and we love our community. We recognize that a median that looks like a landfill will attract more litter and give the perception that no one is watching. If you're motivated by our efforts, we encourage you to please join us each first Saturday of the month for two hours of service, whether you join us in person at the footbridge over La Cienega, or work to take back your street. This is our Ladera, let's take it back!
Sign up here for the November Ladera Clean-Up Day on 11/7/20 at 8a
Update 10/5/20: I got a call this morning from Councilmember Alex Padilla asking what else he and the City of Inglewood can do to help. A giant thank you to him for wanting to get even more involved. As we all know, the City of Inglewood represents only a small part of Ladera Heights, so his enthusiasm to help is appreciated. We are working together to ensure our larger community (regardless of jurisdiction) can all play nice and work toward the goal of a safer, more beautiful community. Thanks, Councilmember!
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