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LHCA September Board Meeting Minutes




Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 6:30pm

Virtual Meeting Via Zoom

Directors present: David Oliver, Brian Hale, Sr., Rick Aldridge, Florence Ochi, Blake Wilson, Ronni Cooper, Ruth Lawrence, Treva Miller, John McWhirter, Ran Craycraft, Stewart Gilbert, and Dominique Nasr-Thompson

Directors absent: Alma Fowlkes and Ronald Woods

Advisor present: Sandra Goldsmith (Emeritus), Dorothy Harris (Emeritus), and Lisa Flenoury

Advisors absent: Tracie Lyons (Emeritus), Miles Griffith, and Olivia Patterson-Ryans

The meeting was called to order at 6:46 pm by President David Oliver.

  1. Approval of Minutes: On motion duly made and seconded, the Minutes of August 6, 2020 were approved with one amendment to Section X of said Minutes. The $1,200 dedicated to Ran Craycraft in support of his efforts for Marketing and Communication would be distributed separately from the budget and would not be transferred from the funds provided to the previous vendor.

  2. Financial Report: Rick Aldridge reported on behalf of Treasurer Ronald Woods and informed the Board that the Financial Report covering August 1, 2020 – August 31, 2020 was not yet finalized. Such financial information would be forthcoming. In connection with the discussion of the Financial Report, a motion was made to approve the $403.10 purchase of equipment for the Ladera Drive-In movie night. Said motion was approved.

  3. Board Election: Vice President Brian Hale spoke about this year’s upcoming Board election and the proposed timeline in connection therewith. The Board conferred regarding forming an election committee with respect to those candidates who are not running.

  4. Membership Report: Blake Wilson reported new LHCA membership, with 13 members registering online and 10 members registering via regular mail for the month of August 2020.

  5. Marketing & Communications: Ran Craycraft updated the Board on the following subjects: (i) the LHCA’s digital engagement and revenue for the month of August 2020; (ii) the August Community Meeting; (iii) the Ladera Farmers Market; (iv) Clean-Up Day; and (v) next steps for the Board, including discussions regarding streamlining the Farmers Market, the September Community Meeting, potential membership drive and blogging seminar, drive-in movie night or concert, a new community survey, and the litter/air/noise pollution near La Cienega.

  6. Community Enhancement & Beautification: Emeritus Advisor Dorothy Harris updated the Board regarding the Median Project, including the funding of said project and the processing of said funds.

  7. Public Safety: Florence Ochi updated the Board on the following subjects: (i) the Candidate’s Forum, which is set to take place on October 6 at 6:30pm; (ii) La Tijera School and the principal’s attendance during the September 24 meeting; and (iii) recent vandalism of the Ladera Sherriff’s Station.

  8. Old & New Business: The Board conferred regarding potential action with respect to the consecutive absences of a present Director and Advisor, as well as their status on the Board.

Meeting adjourned at 8:14 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dominique Nasr-Thompson, Secretary


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