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LHCA August Board Meeting Minutes




Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 6:30pm

Virtual Meeting Via Zoom

Directors present: David Oliver, Brian Hale, Sr., Rick Aldridge, Florence Ochi, Blake Wilson, Ronni Cooper, Ruth Lawrence, Treva Miller, John McWhirter, Ran Craycraft, Stewart Gilbert, and Dominique Nasr-Thompson

Directors absent: Alma Fowlkes and Ronald Woods

Advisor present: Sandra Goldsmith (Emeritus)

Advisors absent: Tracie Lyons (Emeritus), Dorothy Harris (Emeritus), Miles Griffith, Lisa Flenoury, and Olivia Patterson-Ryans

The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm by President David Oliver.

  1. Approval of Minutes: On motion duly made and seconded, the Minutes of June 10, 2020 were approved.

  2. Financial Report: Rick Aldridge reported on behalf of Treasurer Ronald Woods and informed the Board that the Financial Report covering June 1, 2020 – July 31, 2020 was not yet finalized.

  3. Code of Conduct: Vice President Brian Hale requested that each Board member review the Code of Conduct and return his/her executed copy. Secretary Dominique Nasr-Thompson will maintain all signed copies on behalf of the Board.

  4. Board Election: Vice President Brian Hale spoke about this year’s upcoming Board election, with seven (7) Board seats available for this election. A proposed timeline will be forthcoming, along with a list of those members who will be serving on the Election Committee.

  5. Marketing & Communications: Ran Craycraft updated the Board on the following subjects: (i) the LHCA’s digital engagement and revenue for the month of July 2020; (ii) the updated LHCA website; (iii) the growth of the Ladera Farmers Market and its relocation to Parent School; (iv) the Ladera Drive-In movie night and the press covering this event; and (v) next steps for the Board, including discussions regarding Member Planet, COVID-19 numbers in the community, recommendations to improve the Farmers Market, the potential for another Drive-In movie night, and membership drives.

  6. Membership Report: Blake Wilson reported new LHCA membership, with 52 members registering online and 8 members registering via regular mail for the months of June and July 2020.

  7. Public Safety: Florence Ochi updated the Board on the following subjects: (i) Centinela Ave. and the associated trash and homelessness. Ms. Ochi informed the Board that she has been in communication with members of the Los Angeles City Council and the City Attorney’s Office regarding this issue and remedial measures; (ii) the dim coloring of the traffic lights at Slauson and La Cienega and complaints regarding lack of visibility. Ms. Ochi informed the Board that she has contacted Public Works in an effort to address this issue; and (iii) additional crosswalks and modifications to be made at Kings Road and La Tijera Blvd and Slauson.

  8. Legislation: The Board discussed the upcoming Candidate’s Forum set to take place on October 15, 2020 at 6:20 pm. In addition, Vice President Brian Hale and Treva Miller presented to the Board regarding proposed CA Housing Legislation SB 1120; SB 902; et al. Vice President Hale provided a legislative summary and Treva Miller provided background information and additional commentary regarding the proposed legislation. In connection with this presentation, a motion was made to prepare a letter on behalf of the LHCA in opposition of the Housing Legislation. The Board conferred regarding addressing this correspondence to Karen Bass, Holly Mitchell, and Sydney Kamlager, with Ms. Miller preparing a draft of the opposition letter for President Oliver’s review.

  9. Court Café: The Board discussed an upcoming Public Hearing regarding the requests from local restaurant Court Café to extend its hours to 11pm and to serve beer and wine.

  10. Old & New Business: The Board discussed a recent event of violence occurring at a home in the community, as well as the upcoming LHCA Community meeting on August 20, 2020. In connection with the discussion regarding the Community meeting, a motion was made to transfer the remaining budget of $1,200 from the Board’s current online consultant, HBC, to Ran Craycraft in support of his efforts for Marketing and Communication on behalf of the LHCA. Said motion was approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:36 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dominique Nasr-Thompson, Secretary


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