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LHCA April Board Meeting Minutes




Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 6:30pm

Virtual Meeting Via Zoom

Directors present: David Oliver, Brian Hale, Sr., Blake Wilson, Rick Aldridge, Florence Ochi,

Ruth Lawrence, Treva Miller, John McWhirter, Ronni Cooper, Ran Craycraft, Stewart Gilbert,

and Dominique Nasr-Thompson.

Directors absent: Ronald Woods and Alma Fowlkes

Advisors present: Sandra Goldsmith

Advisor absent: Dorothy Harris, Tracie Lyons, Miles Griffith, Lisa Flenoury, and Olivia


The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by President David Oliver.

  1. I. Approval of Minutes: On motion duly made and seconded, the Minutes of March 5, 2020 were approved.

  2. II. Membership Report: Blake Wilson reported new LHCA membership, both via online and regular mail. Actual numbers will be communicated following the Board Meeting.

  3. III. Financial Report: Rick Aldridge reported that the March 1, 2020 – March 31, 2020 Financial Report was not finalized and would be presented to the Board during next month’s Board meeting.

  4. IV. Code of Conduct: Vice President Brian Hale reported that the Code of Conduct subcommittee had met and was actively developing the LHCA Code of Conduct. Mr. Hale further reported that he would distribute a draft version of the Code of Conduct prior to next month’s Board meeting.

  5. V. Marketing & Communications and April Member Meeting: Ran Craycraft presented on Marketing and Communications and updated the Board on the following subjects: COVID-19 survey; LHCA’s social media presence; the LHCA Blog; Digital Newsletter; and the upcoming April 16, 2020 Member Meeting. Mr. Craycraft detailed the virtual format of the April 16 Member Meeting, which will take place on Facebook via Facebook Live, with various speakers covering topics on medicine, real estate, groceries, small businesses, technology, first responders, and elected officials.

  6. VI. New Business: A motion was made to develop a Telecommunications & Litigation subcommittee under the larger committee of Marketing & Communications. This motion was based on the influx of 5G cell towers and the concerns that such cell towers may adversely affect the residents in the community. President David Oliver responded to this motion/request and formally established the Telecommunications & Litigation subcommittee to analyze 5G cell towers and the potential damages to the community.

Meeting adjourned at 7:31 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dominique Nasr-Thompson, Secretary


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