During LHCA's regular update meeting with Captain Harrison of the Sheriff Department, he mentioned the increase in Sheriff patrol cars around the Ladera Heights and View Park neighborhood. He indicated this effort may not prevent crimes in our community, however he hopes the presence of the patrol cars will help deter criminals from targeting our area. Captain Harrison and his department are also working on additional efforts that they will roll out over the next few months, and he will provide updates during our next Community Call.
Also note; our LHCA Security taskforce committee is also hard at work gathering information and security options for our homeowners. They are meeting with various security companies to determine who will offer the most services and the best pricing for our homeowners. Part of the committees' goal is to partner with a company that will provide a few dedicated patrol cars to add to the roaming units that the Sheriff's department is providing. More information from our LHCA Security committee will be presented over the next months.
In the meantime, neighbors be vigilant and alert, if you see something or someone in your area that doesn't seem right, please gather as much information or photos that you can about the situation and contact the non-emergency number at the Sheriff's department to alert them; Marina Del Rey Sheriff Department (310) 482-6000, to report something anonymously go to; and for all other emergencies call 911.