We're not alone in seeing the Covid number rising rapidly. In just the last two weeks, we've gone from 155 total cases in Ladera Heights to 195–this is a 20% rise in total cases in just fourteen days.
I stopped journaling the daily cases back in October, but in this time, our case number has doubled. You can see below how the curve leveled out for a while but is now rising sharply toward the right side at a rate higher than we've seen since the pandemic began:
As the holidays are here and family will be gathering, we ask that you please take the advice of our CDC and public health professionals in practicing social distancing, only be indoors with members of your own household, and always wear a mask when around others.
It's been reported recently that supermarkets and malls may be large contributors to the spread of coronavirus. Here are some tips we recommend you consider:
Only go to the supermarket when absolutely necessary and if you're in a high-risk group, avoid malls
Target is offering drive up service. If you order online or through their app, they will bring your order out to your car
Always wear a mask, use hand sanitizer, and never touch your face
Consider shopping during off-hours when the supermarket is less likely to be crowded
Use a grocery delivery service like Instacart
Ask a younger neighbor to pick up necessary items for you and leave them on your doorstep
Take care, Ladera, we have an especially vulnerable community and it will take our whole village working together to get this under control. Please do your part and stay safe.