Every ten years, our federal government counts how many people live in our country. While it may seem like a pointless task and a minor inconvenience, there are several reasons why it matters for us in Ladera Heights. The good news is, you can even fill it out online (details below).
Government funds allocated for education are based on the number of people in a community. If you have an issue with the quality of our local schools, make sure everyone you know in Ladera Heights is counted.
Funds for the maintenance of our infrastructure are based on the number of people living in an area. If you're tired of seeing trash on our medians, make sure we get the proper funding to address it.
The results of the census are used to adjust or redraw electoral districts, based on where populations have increased or decreased. You already know the importance of a vote. Make sure our community is heard loud and clear. As our community expands, so should our voice.
With threats of a sheriff station closure, it's more important than ever to show legislators that our community is growing, not shrinking, and as such, so should our resources.
When entrepreneurs are looking at where to start a business, they look at census data to find how many people live in a community to determine their potential employee pool and customer base. When a new restaurant comes to our community, do you want it to be a fast food joint for people just passing by or do you want a sit-down restaurant for the people who live in our community?
Funding for Medicaid, Head Start, and block grants for mental health services are all based on the number of people in a community. As we have both, senior residents and new families, it's important to get all of the federal funding we deserve. Between the 2000 and 2010 census, our median age went up from 44 to 49.
Our firefighters work hard for us. We're very fortunate to have a centrally-located firehouse that protects our community. Ensure they get the federal funds they deserve by counting every person in Ladera Heights.
About the 2020 Census
It's quick and easy. The 2020 Census questionnaire will take about 10 minutes to complete.
It's safe, secure, and confidential. Your information and privacy are protected.
Your response helps to direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other public services.
Results from the 2020 Census will be used to determine the number of seats each state has in Congress and your political representation at all levels of government.
Getting started:
You must complete your questionnaire once you begin. If you leave the questionnaire and return later, you will have to start over.
Do not use the web browser buttons (back, forward, or close browser). Use the buttons within the questionnaire to navigate.
For best results, use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari. Enable cookies.